Tuesday, 28 August 2012



I've been drawing for ages now, its become the new watching telly for me. I'm getting quite good too, if I do say so myself. So much so I thought I should start actually advertise it. The first photo the newest and the lower you scroll the older there get.

lately I've been looking at a lot of front magazine and tattooed ladies, I like how their bodies their bodies come in all different sizes and shapes, so I've been inspired to draw them all. I didn't want to draw my own animals on their skin as their tattoos, but they were just practices so I didn't bother yet, maybe I will next time.


I love to use a lot of lines and dots to add detail and shading in to my images. This is ment to be a lotus  flower I guess you cant tell because theres no colour, but it's one of my favorite drawings just because of the contrast.


I love these drawings, in fact I've had the beetle tattooed, I got the tattooist to redraw the pincers, as I hate the ones I did but the rest I'm proud of. The wasp I may get on my foot.


If you hadn't noticed, I am very much inspired by tattooist such as Guy Le, Chris Collins and SO ON and SO ON! Though lately it's been less about the small tattoo-able images and about huge life drawing/ illustration as I like to call it pieces. I bought a sketch book for uni but instead I've started drawing the biggest pictures I can then creating huge patterns for the background.

defiantly takes up all my time but I love doing it.


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