Friday, 11 September 2015

The last Art in the Warehouse.

Milgis have stopped the art in the warehouse forever. It is sad times.

But I was asked to illustrate on their warehouse walls before we said goodbye for the final time. Many illustrators got involved. sadly I had a PGCE to study for so I couldn't spend all day on it. I did rush it a little bit but I think it came out well in the end. Better

small painting.

At the moment I'm working on a collection of painting to create an exhibition with. This is the 3 peice of work I have created for it. Its also the smallest but the longest to create. I will finish it by the end of next week!! 


This is the scond painting I have complited. I'm not so pleased with this one, I fee like it coud have looked better without the paw but I created it for my sister who is a dog lover. The painting sybolises friendship and love for all creaters. 

I added gold dots on top of the painted background to add to my signature artist style, I think this really adds to my painting. before it was a little to plain. Not only is the background inspired by my patchwork but I also had the idea from an art peice my sister wanted to buy from a shop. I told her I could do better. Thankfully she thinks I achieved that. 

I really love the detail in this painting. Hands are particually hard to draw, that is why I insist on getting them right every time. No one can tell me what I can and cant draw! I will draw it! And it will look good!! 

or you'll never see it. 

painting inspired by patchwork.

I love this painting. I've developed a new style, blurring the lines of illustration and my new love, painting in geometric shapes. I'm still sticking to my dot work, realism illustrations of body parts but I thought it was time to move on from going no where with my drawings. 

The background is inspired by my patchwork, did you notice? 

I've never been a very strong painter. I've always given up before even trying new styles. As for now, I have found a style I love to work with. Its so simple but the amount of colour I use is really effective. 

I enjoyed creating this canvas, it had a religious inspiration behind it. Its inspired by the Virgin Mary, with my use of gold and the stain glass window effect I tried to do in the background. I'm really pleased with the out come. 

It is now sitting on my living room wall. 

I got better at patchwork.

I've just been looking through my blog after a very long time and I've realised how far I've gotten with my patchwork skill. So I thought I'd show them off a little. My first post about my patchwork was awful!

I've been working on this one for a while now, it takes a very long time but its great fun once you get going. God knows what I'm going to do with it when I finish or how big it will be. I'd love to make a big art peice with it, maybe add an illustration to it in fabric paint or stitching. we will see when the time comes. 
