Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Brothers Quay

Speaking of Jan Svankmajer, I may as well talk about some people who were hugely inspired by him. The Brothers Quay are twins who work with stop animation which is, believe it or not much weirder then Jan Svankmajer.

If you've ever watch the youtube video "Salad Fingers" you will know that uncomfortable sensation when watching something as spooky as the Brothers Quay's videos. The style of these stop motions remind me of my mother, as the lady of the bed has long black hair and dresses similar to my mother when she was creating her own art.

Just a quick video


Jan Švankmajer

Dimensions of Dialogue Part 1

Dimensions of Dialogue Part 2 and 3

Jan Švankmajer is an artist who well known for his surrealist animations. I first saw his work when my friend sent me his Alice film (though the whole film isn't on youtube) which I fell in love with straight away, it has many elements I love in the film, such as animal skulls, old fashioned toys and random events happening. But the videos above called "Dimensions Of Dialogue" are my favorite video's I've seen of his, they have a very political story behind each of them and they are very clever.

Jan Švankmajer has inspired many modern artist and film makers today, you could probably guess who they are. Such people as Tim Burton, Terry Gillian and another amazing artist's the Brothers Quay.

This "Punch and Judy" based stop motion, is quite funny but uncomfortable at some parts. I am in love with the murdering Punch as he steals the gold from the house, as if he feels guilty. I also love the church like feel as each puppet is put in the coffin.

I would really love to own Jan Švankmajer on dvd, every single one of his animations. Maybe one day!


Wednesday, 19 October 2011


 I'm currently doing print in university, (I love print so much) we had to create our own stencils and these are the ones I created. We had to make up an imaginary journey and mine was the path to happiness by following a ball of string. I want to create something like a fairy tale, so I put me in an old fashioned dress. I really love the trees I drew, I was helped by my little kitty who was playing with pen while I was drawing.


I created some mono prints the other day, which turned out really good. Really messy, which I love. When I get a chance I will take photos and post them on here later. 


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Quentin Blake's life drawing.

I found an artist the other day called Georg Baselitz, who's work looks very similar to Quentin Blake's illustrations. So I searched for his wonderful art in some of my most favorite books by Roald Dahl, like The Enormous Crocodile and Fantastic Mr Fox. When I came across this nude image of a lady by Quentin Blake. Well I was shocked to see such a well known children's illustrator drawing something so grown up. It's really funny more then anything else.

I got this image from: http://www.dezeen.com